A couple weekends ago I spent a whole weekend away
scrapbooking! Star
ting Noon on Friday and ending at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday. It was awesome and I got over 100 pages done! I thought I would post a few pictures for you! The weekend included food starting with dinner Friday night, it included an 8 foot table in the hall and either a motel room or a bed in the dorm room. My friend and I stayed in the dorm room because all the motel rooms were booked by the time we signed up, but it wasn't a problem. The place was very nice. This is one side of the hall, this is the side we were on.
Here is the other side:
LSS that held this gave us great gifts in our
goodie bags, they had several drawings, contests and games. Saturday was
Scrappink so $10 of
everyone's admission for the weekend went to that.
Here is my area, yes, it was messy all weekend!
On Saturday night there was talk in my area of staying up all night. I said I would give it a shot and guess what? I made it! My friend gave up about 3 a.m. and a couple other girls gave up shortly thereafter. There were probably about 10 of us total that made it all night long! It was touch and go about 4:45 a.m., but after 5 am hit I knew I could make it. I was a bit tired on Sunday though!! It was worth it. I think I mentioned I completed over 100 pages!
Here is my proof:
You can see I got tired of scattering them over the kitchen table!
Even with all these pages done, I am not caught up with my pictures! Luckily they are planning another weekend if March!! Now to convince DH that it is a good idea.